Lower Farm Nursing Home

126 Grimston Road, South Wootton, King's Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 3PB


Contact Telephone Numbers: 

Main Telephone Line: 01553 671027

Contact the Registered Manager or Nurses on Tel: 01553 671027


Email: Please send your emails to: enquiries@lowerfarmnursing.co.uk



We are pleased to announce that

Lower Farm Nursing Home was rated GOOD on our recent PAMMS inspection 

                                                         Assessment Completed on 30/12/2024


                             You can download the summary using the link below


Archers HealthCare Ltd PAMMS Summary 2024
Please click on the link to download the PAMMS summary for Lower Farm Nursing Home where we were rated GOOD
Archers Healthcare Limited Summary 16.01[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [19.8 KB]


Visit the new 360 Virtual Tour of

Lower Farm Nursing Home


Please click on the image to the left to access the

360 virtual tour


Please note: This link will take you to an external website


Emergency Contact Number


In the event of a failure of our main broadband and telephone system, please use the emergency contact number shown below.


Please note:​ This mobile phone will only be monitored in the event of a failure of our main broadband and telephone system.


Emergency Contact Number: 07561 105723 




The next scheduled Relatives and Friends Meeting is to be held on Wednesday 5th March 2025 



The next scheduled meeting will be held on Wednesday 5th March 2025 at 2.00pm at Lower Farm. If you have any sugestions on holding virtual meetings e.g.: Zoom or Whatsapp, then please do not hesitate to contact me and I  will be pleased to discuss this with you.


In the meantime, if you have any questions or you wish to discuss any issues with myself then please do not hesitate to contact me on Tel: 01553 671027 or by email: manager@lowerfarmnursing.co.uk and I will be happy to answer or discuss any questions you may have.


You can now download the meeting dates for 2025 - 2026 via the link below.


Hayley Newton

Acting Manager

Reviewed: 08.01.2025

The Relatives and Friends Meeting Dates for 2025 - 2026
Download a schedule of the Relatives and Friends Meeting Dates for 2025 - 2026 at Lower Farm Nursing Home
Relatives Friends Meeting Dates for 202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [327.5 KB]



Visiting your loved one's at Lower Farm Nursing Home 




We are pleased to advise that we are accepting all visitors to our home. Upon arrival to the home you are required to sign-in using the GDPR Visitors Sign-in book(s) located in the main reception and side enterance. You will also be required to record your temperature upon arrival. If your temperature is over 37.5°C this will unfortunately result in the visit being CANCELLED.


IMPORTANT: We ask if any visitor feels unwell prior to their visit or has a temperature over 37.5°C, that they please do not come to the home for the wellbeing of their loved ones and all our residents.


Please be assured that we are following all Government and PHE guidelines and we will continue to monitor the situation and we will adjust our policies accordingly. 



We thank you for your continuing support and understanding.


Hayley Newton

Acting Manager

Updated 30.12.2024

Our Services

Our core services include:


- Long Term Nursing Care

- Respite Care

- Recovery & Rehabilitation

- Palliative Care

- Residential Care


Our additional services include:


- Chiropody


- Craft & Activities


Our  accomodation is within spacious rooms, and we provide a variety of nutritious cooked meals, great entertainment and person centred care.

Our Values

Our values are based on providing a:


- High quality of nursing

- Friendly & caring relationship

- Dignified & respectful service

- Safe & secure premises

- Good management & highly skilled staff

- Pleasent & hygienic environment


We regularly assess the needs and requirements of all our residents, with themselves and their family.


We have a family-based atmosphere so our residents can relax and enjoy their stay.


Lower Farm benefits from a good local reputation and we are known for treating our residents like our own family.

Our Team

To deliver our services based on our core values, Lower Farm has specialised teams:


- Care (includes 24 hour nursing, carers)

- Administration (home management)

- Hygiene & Cleaning

- Laundry

- Kitchen 

- Maintenance (for the premises)

- Activities & Entertainment


Our Home Manager is CQC Registered and has a reputation for delivering high quality care.


Admissions to Lower Farm Nursing Home

Residents or someone acting on their behalf can call ourActing Manager (Hayley Newton) on 01553 671027. Alternatively, please contact our Home Administrator (Jason Colledge) on 01553 671027.


You can contact our Finance Lead (Paulette Carter) on 01553 671027 or email : accounts@lowerfarmnursing.co.uk with your details.


Residents can also seek referral through other sources, such as general practitioners (G.P.s), social services, hospitals and sheltered accomodation.


We can then arrange for them to visit to Lower Farm to see the excellent care we provide and discuss their needs and requirements with our care team.


Prior to admission, one of our highly qualified care team will visit the resident's home to assess their care in familiar surroundings. A Care Plan is then formed and reviewed with the resident, their relatives and any outside agencies that may be involved in their care (such as their G.P.)



General Information

Relatives & friends of residents are welcome at any time. For security, all guests are required to sign in the guest book on arrival & departure. We would appreciate if you could telephone ahead of time and inform a senior nurse at Lower Farm, if you plan to visit us after 5pm.


Private Telephone & Internet: Residents can install a personal telephone line. There is also "password protected" WIFI on premises, which the resident can use for FaceTime or Skype calls. 


Religious or Cultural Requirements: Lower Farm aims to ensure the religious or cultural needs can be fulfilled.


General Practitioners (G.P.'s): Lower Farm can arrange for residents to be registered with a local G.P. or they may retain their own. 



Resident's Families Testimonials


Review from DB (Son of Resident) published on 22 April 2021
Submitted via Carehome.co.uk Website • DB is Extremely Likely to recommend Lower Farm Care Home with Nursing Home.

Average rating 5 out of 5


My father was transferred to Lower Farm Care Home after rehab at Amberly Hall care home. My father was recovering from sepsis and had a stroke 9 years ago, so had physical needs with paralysis on his left side. He uses an electric wheelchair, has medical needs for his warfarin levels and a catheter too. To add to this, Dad's personality changed since the stroke making him quite a difficult person to please. I am phrasing the best way I can.
On arrival, Dad was allocated an upstairs room. This meant he had to go into the lift, in his wheelchair, each time he wanted a cigarette to go outside to smoke. As he is a chain smoker this proved problematic. The care home team moved him to a downstairs room to make his stay more comfortable. They have been caring and supportive to Dad throughout even when he has been unpleasant. Truly professional and we highly recommend Lower Farm Care Home.


For more reviews, please go to Lower Farm Nursing Homes page on the Carehome.co.uk website. 






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(c) Lower Farm Nursing Home