
Visiting your loved one's at Lower Farm Nursing Home 




We are pleased to advise that we are able to accept all visitors to our home. Upon arrival to the home you are required to sign-in using the GDPR Visitors Sign-in book(s) located in the main reception and side enterance. You will also be required to record your temperature upon arrival. If your temperature is over 37.5°C this will unfortunately result in the visit being CANCELLED.


IMPORTANT: We ask if any visitor feels unwell prior to their visit or has a temperature over 37.5°C, that they please do not come to the home for the wellbeing of their loved ones and all our residents.


Please be assured that we are following all Government and PHE guidelines and we will continue to monitor the situation and we will adjust our policies accordingly. 



We thank you for your continuing support and understanding.


Tracey Catlin

Registered Manager


Updated 02.03.2023



Press Release


Lower Farm Nursing Home under New Care Management

24th April,2017


Lower Farm is under new care management, effective from 24th of April,2017.The providers are Archers Healthcare Services Limited.


Tina Moore is the registered Manager of Lower Farm . Cathryn Stent is our new Clinical lead.



Lower Farm Nursing Home

126 Grimston Road

South Wootton

King’s Lynn


PE30 3PB



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(c) Lower Farm Nursing Home